Frequently asked questions
When do classes start?
The school year is from September to June.
What is the schedule?
The day starts at 8:15 am and ends at 3:00 pm.
What are the content areas of study?
Mathematics, language literacy in Spanish, literacy in French or English, social studies, foreign language, sports, yoga and special projects (journalism, gardening, art, etc).
Where is the school located? Do you offer transportation?
The location is in Camino del Sol, in Cabarete, in front of Carambola’s surf house. 3,5 km from Cabarete center.
We have a PRIVATE SCHOOL BUS from Sosúa to Cabarete to pick up the children.
What is the school’s teaching philosophy?
We use modern methodologies with a constructivist approach, awakening the interest and curiosity of children to develop their autonomy, empathy and critical thinking.
Who are the teachers? And the Directors?
We are a very united team. All of our teachers are native speakers of the language of instruction. Highly qualified (Master level) and with international experience. Our teachers are certified, speak several languages and come from all over the world. They are passionate about Education and the kids love them!
The Directors are also two teachers: Kathy Reynaud (from the French Ministry of Education) and Isaac Trujillo (language teacher from Venezuela), and the coordinator is Pablo Ramos, also a school psychologist.
What if my child speaks neither French, English nor Spanish?
The fact that the classes allow 100% language immersion and that they are young children guarantees fast and natural learning. They can also count on the support and skills of our teachers to help them progress. And we have a special program, included in the schedule, to help them progress in the foreign language.
How many children are there for each class?
There is a maximum of 14 children per each class.
How long is the break?
20 minutes. It takes place in the playground or at the beach, under the supervision of the teachers.
Are there extra-school activities?
Of course! We have a great Soccer Club (ESD Football Club), twice a week from 3:15 to 4:30 pm. Our coach is from Argentina and speaks Spanish and English.
In case you are interested in other subjects, such as: dance, languages, theater, art, etc. just let us know and we can form groups of students and make that possible!
Will there be lunch service available at noon?
Yes, the service will be available. It includes lunch and lunch time care by our school staff. Price: $40USD /month/child.
Could I enroll my child in only one session, morning or afternoon?
Yes, in case he/she is already officially registered in another school (in other country in homeschooling for example), and want to complete his instruction with our school.
What certifications do you offer?
There are 2 options :
1)We provide official transcript/certification from the US, thanks to our partnership with Rocklin International Schools. The cost is 200 USD / year, and $100 USD for administrative fees.
2) CNED, for families to register for French national distance education. This optional service costs 600 euros a year and provides them with a French state certificate, as if the children were in France. The other condition to obtain such a certificate is that the children is studying in French and Spanish.
Can my child participate in your Football Club if he is studying in another school?
Of course! He/she is welcome to come and be part of the Team!
Will they have foreign language and physical education classes?
Yes, two hours of foreign language and two hours of physical education per week, in addition to local sports that we include in the schedule.
How much does the registration cost?
The cost of the annual administrative fee is $350 USD per child.
* This fee is FREE if you register your children before May, 20th.
How much is the tuition for the whole year?
It depends of the number of payments: 1 payment, 2 payments, or 10 payments. Please click here to know our prices.
Are there special prices for enrolling siblings?
Yes. There is a $500USD annual discount in case of siblings registered at ESD – European School.
Do you do events or trips during the year?
Yes, and we love it! We celebrate Halloween, Christmas, Carnaval, Mother’s and Father’s day, etc.
And we take the kids to excursions several times a year.
What are the vacation days?
We follow the Dominican school calendar regarding holidays. Children start the school year at the beginning of September and end it in June. They will have one week of holidays at Easter and three weeks at Christmas.
Do I have to pay for the summer months (July and August)?
Do you offer summer camp?
Yes! Please ask us about it.
Can we meet in person to talk about details?
Of course! Contact us to make an appointment. We will be happy to meet you (by phone or in person) and show you the school.
How can I start the Enrollment process?

- +1 849 451 5893 / info@europeanschooldr.com